Mozilla Personal

80% Won’t Be Fixed?

I just got done reading Robert Accettura’s post referring to a New Your Times article about how 80% of Firefox bugs won’t be fixed for Firefox 3. Shocking isn’t it? It sure was shocking for me.

I’m really surprised that such a reputable news organization would post such an inaccurate article. The article talks about how only 20% of the blockers are actually expected to be fixed. While this may be true, a bug that is marked blocking-firefox3+ doesn’t actually mean a software bug exists. This is probably the most common assumption that I see people outside of Mozilla making – if a bug is filed on something, that there is something wrong with the product. The reality of the situation is that any change anyone wants to make to the code gets a bug filed for it. This means that if you want to add a feature, you file a bug. You want to rewrite some code but not change functionality? That requires a bug too. Want to remove an unused feature? That also needs to have a bug filed.

Looking at the current Download Manager bugs that are blocking Firefox 3, most aren’t software bugs. About 13 are user interface tweaks, four are feature requests, and the rest are software bugs. Of the software bugs, only six I’d really consider to be serious bugs, while the rest are fairly minor (but minor does not imply trivial to fix – that rant will have to come some other day).

Anyway, my point is that everything you read on the Internet isn’t 100% accurate, so try to think about what it is you are reading!

Firefox Personal


So, Firefox 3 will have this totally awesome new location bar, that shaver has coined the Awesomebar. It really is pure awesome on so many levels because of how it works. Other people can explain this better than me, so go read this post and this post. OK, now brace yourself, because the Awesomebar is about to get awesomer!

Enter Edward. He’s a member of the community and a former intern for the Mozilla Corporation, and he’s gonna make the Awesomebar adaptively learn how to sort the results. He’s got a really cool post about his work here that you should go read right now. It has pictures even! Pictures!

Firefox 3 is gonna rock with these features, and many more. I can’t even use Firefox 2 anymore without feeling like I’m using some ancient, dumb, and slow piece of software. :(

Personal RTSE


When I upgraded WordPress earlier this week, a also moved web hosts. I left all of my subdomains over on the old host because I didn’t have time to move them all over yet. Turns out that they aren’t working. I’ve fixed one of them, and plan to fix the rest tonight, but some of my add-ons sorta depend on stuff being around that clearly aren’t. Everything should be back up tomorrow. Please pardon my construction dust…


WordPress Updated

It’s been a long long while since I’ve updated WordPress, my blogging software. Since it was such a big step (2.1 to 2.3), I decided to switch it over to my Dreamhost account as well. Overall, the upgrade wasn’t bad at all, and WordPress now chechks for plugin updates, and tells you if there’s an update! Here’s hoping that this all goes well once my dns chagnes propogate…

Mozilla Personal

Cross Session Resumable Downloads

This post is a bit late in coming, but we finally have cross session resumable downloads as part of the download manager that Firefox, as well as any Mozilla Toolkit applications, use. This is all thanks to the efforts of Srirang Doddihal, Edward Lee, Christian Biesinger, and a bit from myself as well (doing the reviews counts, right?).

I’m really excited about our solid back-end for cross session resumable downloads. It is now the case that when you quit or go offline, downloads that are resumable will simply pause, and will be ready for you to resume (or automatically resume) once you restart or go back online. In fact, any download that you pause is actually stopped (if it is resumable), and is resumed when you click resume (we fall back to the old way of pausing by calling suspend on the channel if the download isn’t resumable). So, for those of you complaining that pausing a download, putting your computer to sleep, waking it up, and resuming a download just hangs, you can stop – it works now (beltzner and shaver, I’m talking to you!).

All this will be in the beta of Firefox 3 due out Real Soon Now!

EDIT: Gwah! I lied (I really need to stop blogging about stuff before it cycles for a little while – my track record is really bad!). It will not automatically resume at startup because the code that did that caused a startup time regression so it got backed out. :(