So this post was supposed to be written some time during the weekend, but I never got to it. We’ve got this important deadline for major code changes tomorrow, and I’ve been frantically working to get my bit of code done. The bug in question is Bug 380250, and really it hasn’t been too bad. I’ve learned a bit about two new technologies (new to me, not so much to the code base), mozStorage and RDF. RDF is technically what I have ripped out of the current code, but I had to develop some migration code to port a users download history to our new storage system, mozStorage. That was fun and consisted of most of my day today (at least two hours of which was me staring at the api’s wonder what I was supposed to use).
Anyway, that’s not what this is about and I’m getting into way too many technical details for most people to care about. I had every intention last week of writing a post every day and keeping people up to date about what it’s like to be a Mozilla intern. It’s funny how deadlines push that sort of thing to the side. Here’s the executive summary.
Tuesday I finished up my research for this bug, did some research on another bug, and just barely started working on ripping out RDF. After work, a bunch of us went out to see Hot Fuzz. It’s a British humor film, and it was hilarious. At first, I thought it was somewhat boring, but that ended up being buildup for a real cool ending. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly suggest you go out and see it.
Wednesday was the first day that I really got working and had the whole day to work (meetings and such on the two previous days). I think I was at work until about Midnight that night. It was a long day considering that I came in around 10 AM. I also made a ton of progress on the bug.
Thursday was about the same, except that a bunch of us from the office went out to eat at some place way out in the middle of nowhere. The food was good though, despite us getting a bit lost on the way there (I wasn’t the navigator, honest!). We were out fairly late, but we had fun. It was my boss’s send off dinner (I quote, “the first annual mconnor meets portola valley extravaganza”) since he’ll be gone for about three weeks (He lives in Canada).
Friday essentially a repeat of Wednesday, and I got a very large amount of work done. Nothing exciting (from your viewpoint) really happened.
Saturday I slept in then went out to meet Alex Vincent. I’ve known him for about a year now online (he is a contributor to the Mozilla code base). He showed me his project, Verbosio, which is looking pretty darn powerful/useful, and it’s not even in alpha one yet. I hope he can release an alpha soon (he says he’s close, but I won’t hold him to a date) so he can get some more people to help him out. I am fairly certain that once people see what it is capable of, it’ll start to attract more contributors.
Sunday was essentially a day of relaxing. One of my friends who works at Apple got into the Halo 3 Friends and Family Beta. I have to say that Halo 3 is pretty fun, and the game looks like it will be well worth the money. Graphics are nice, and the new items and weapons make for an interesting game.
Anywho, that’s it for now. California is nice. There’s lot’s of trees.
4 replies on “First Week”
Sounds like some good hard work and good fun too! Makes me tired just thinking about it. I do remember those days! Just take some power naps.
I can’t tell if I like halo 3 or not yet… it’s very weird, and I can’t stop hitting X to reload… I end up deploying a Power Drain and killing myself -_-;; Lame… I wish I could just swap RB and X buttons and I’d be happy, I rarely use the X button anyway it’s so dumb that they did that >_
ay you’re so called “coding” chopped off the rest of my comment! boo!
Do you ever plan on updating your blog??? Let me know.