

I have some good news, and I have some bad news. Since the world is so accustomed to bad news as of late with the economy and what not, I’ll start with that.

I will no longer be developing my first add-on, the Rooster Teeth Site Extender. I’ve established that I simply do not have time to maintain it, or do the reviews. It’s disappointing to both me, and its users to have an owner who isn’t really owning it.

Now for the good news. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance – er, wait. That’s not it. There is a new maintainer! In fact, I’ve already transferred the ownership of the project over to him. He cares a lot more about the project than I do, so it’s a good fit.

You can still report bugs in the same place as before, but I’m just a consultant of the project now. I wish the project luck, and it’s been fun while it lasted!


Browser Chrome Tests No Longer Leak

I just checked in bug 473845 which fixed the last persistent leak in browser chrome tests. It also dropped the leak threshold down to zero for those tests, so leakers will be spotted immediately and properly backed out.


Mozilla Personal

Finer-grained Controls for Clearing Private Data

I semi-recently did some work to add a nice new feature for Firefox 3.1. The feature is “Forget About This Site,” and is a nice addition to our Clear Private Data and Private Browsing features. Any time you view a history entry (in the history sidebar or in the Library) you get a handy context menu item:
Forget About This Site Screenshot

That’s right! You can now selectively clear data from a domain (and all of it’s sub domains) with two clicks of the mouse! This tries to clear everything we know about a site, with the exception of bookmarks. There are still a number of issues pending with this to make it even more powerful (help wanted!), but as it stands, it’s pretty nice. I am, of course, biased.

All this work made it in for Firefox 3.1 beta 2, but I’ve been lazy and am just now getting to it.


Double Landings? No Problem!

I just found a really useful way to do the double landings that we have to do if we want to land anything on the 1.9.1 branch right now. hg has this handy feature that will let you import from a url, which means it’s incredibly simple to take a changeset from mozilla-central, and then push it to mozilla-1.9.1:

  1. Figure out your changeset url for mozilla-central. For this example, we’ll use
  2. In your mozilla-1.9.1 tree, run hg import and pass in the previously obtained mozilla-central revision url, with a minor modification: change rev to raw-rev (so you’ll end up with

Assuming it applied cleanly, you now have that changeset as a local commit in your repo. You can now push like you always do. Happy landings!

Mozilla Personal

Artistic Blog Representation

I wanted to see what I was writing about looked like after reading KaiRo’s post about his site. So, I jumped on over to Wordle (which sadly uses Java), and generated this:

Click to see full image

Clearly, I write a lot about Mozilla, and as of late, performance has dominated that topic. It’s funny, because some time this week I was going to write another blog post about performance too…

Side note: It’d be really cool if someone made a WordPress widget that generated this.