
Growl Extension v0.9.5

Well, I recently checked in the fix for the previously mentioned bug. It was a big pain, but I finally figured out and implemented (the implementation was the hard part) the fix. I had a few stupid code errors (like not indicating that my class supports nsIObserver, when it needed to) that caused me to take a lot more time than necessary to get this fixed. Now that that is all done, I’ll be writing up a doc on how to write your own code to hook into this extension so everyone can easily use Growl within Mozilla code!

It should be noted that this version of the extension includes basic support for Chatzilla. I plan on working with Gijs to get more in the future, but I think what we have now is a solid start.

AMO has the latest version, and you can get it from there:

Mozilla Personal

Growl code about ready to land!

I just got the last r+ needed to get Growl support checked into Mozilla CVS trunk, which is a huge personal accomplishment if I do say so myself. That means it’ll be available in Firefox 3.0, and most likely the Alpha 4 build due out soon. Somehow, I managed to get it done on schedule it seems (I probably just jinxed it though). I’m about to submit the final patch after giving it a good look-over once more. It’s been about five months since I started working on this – and am I glad that it is almost done! I’ll have at least one follow-up bug to do once this lands (dealing with localization), but it works as it stands now!

For those interested in keeping track with the bug, cc yourself to Bug 362685.


Growl Extension Bug

Joey Minta brought it to my attention that Growl isn’t saving your preference about a notification being displayed once the application you have the extension running in restarts. Today I looked into it a bit, and at first I thought I was using the wrong method. However, the method that I thought was the right one ended up being an alias for what I was doing anyway (yey for open source code!).

I really don’t want to compare registration dictionaries and then re-register myself, and it seems like I shouldn’t have to. So, I’ve sent a message to the Growl Discussion list wondering if that is actually the intended behavior. The first e-mail I got back seems to indicate that it isn’t the intended behavior, so I’m going to hold off on writing code to compare dictionaries for now. Once this issue is resolved, I will feel confident about releasing 0.9.5, as well as get docs out on how other extension can include support for Growl easily. Hopefully that will be within the next two weeks.


Stalk words and channel messages; Check

Well, I just checked in the code to have stalk words and your nick send a notification, as well as any message said in the channel. It’s really cool!

I might be able to get all the notifications done by the end of the week, and then I’ll have another preview release out for general consumption (still in the sandbox of course).

You can of course build it from the source if you are ambitious enough. ;)


Chatzilla support with Growl

I’m working on making Chatzilla work with the Growl extension. The idea was actually brought up by Joey Minta, who pointed out that a lot of other irc clients use Growl. I quickly realized that this would be an awesome feature for the extension and for Chatzilla, so I pinged Gijs Kruitbosch seeing if it would be feasible.

Looks like it will be, so I spent some time today and yesterday getting the component setup for integration. I’m just waiting to hear back from him about how I need to use Chatzilla’s hooks, and away I’ll go!

I’m still looking for feedback, so the more testers the better. I noticed a bug yesterday with Thunderbird new mail notification, and I’m investigating that (my knowledge of mail code is much weaker than that of browser code).

I will keep you all posted!