When I upgraded WordPress earlier this week, a also moved web hosts. I left all of my subdomains over on the old host because I didn’t have time to move them all over yet. Turns out that they aren’t working. I’ve fixed one of them, and plan to fix the rest tonight, but some of my add-ons sorta depend on stuff being around that clearly aren’t. Everything should be back up tomorrow. Please pardon my construction dust…
Category: Mozilla
This post is a bit late in coming, but we finally have cross session resumable downloads as part of the download manager that Firefox, as well as any Mozilla Toolkit applications, use. This is all thanks to the efforts of Srirang Doddihal, Edward Lee, Christian Biesinger, and a bit from myself as well (doing the reviews counts, right?).
I’m really excited about our solid back-end for cross session resumable downloads. It is now the case that when you quit or go offline, downloads that are resumable will simply pause, and will be ready for you to resume (or automatically resume) once you restart or go back online. In fact, any download that you pause is actually stopped (if it is resumable), and is resumed when you click resume (we fall back to the old way of pausing by calling suspend on the channel if the download isn’t resumable). So, for those of you complaining that pausing a download, putting your computer to sleep, waking it up, and resuming a download just hangs, you can stop – it works now (beltzner and shaver, I’m talking to you!).
All this will be in the beta of Firefox 3 due out Real Soon Now!
EDIT: Gwah! I lied (I really need to stop blogging about stuff before it cycles for a little while – my track record is really bad!). It will not automatically resume at startup because the code that did that caused a startup time regression so it got backed out. :(
Making Macros More Useful
Or at least one of them! I just landed Bug 392055, which makes NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS print out the error code if it failed. No more needing to fire up the debugger to figure out why your function is failing when you don’t expect it. This change is for debug builds only though!
See the bug for all the details, but I hope this helps some people debug things a bit faster. Now go rebuild your whole tree since just about every single file depends on the file I modified! :p
Storage Explorer 0.1
I just resolved Bug 394108, which means Storage Explorer 0.1 is complete!
There are still several features I want to add such as database properties and data viewing, but right now it offers basic query execution. If you want to help, you can file bugs and/or submit patches!
mozStorage Explorer
The other day while working I realized how annoying it can be to debug some mozStorage issues. Enter mozStorage Explorer. It’s a simple little addon I wrote that lets you run queries on databases found in your profile. Right now that’s all it does, but in the future I plan to let it browse data too (as soon as I figure how out how to list all the tables in a database).
I’ve tossed it up here for those of you who want to play with it. Suggestions welcome!